Dirt Devil Vacuum Belts

Dirt Devil Vacuum Belts
Aside from bags, belts are one of the most consumed vacuum items. Belts are essential for turning the brush bar to help your Dirt Devil vacuum collect ground in dirt and debris.
Not all belts need to break to know that you are in need of a new one. It is a good idea to check the slack on your belt if it has been in your vacuum for a while. Heat from the vacuums motor can make the belt warm, and when in use it can slowly stretch out the belt.
Belts comes in many different sizes to fit the wide range of Dirt Devil vacuums. It is important that you find the correct belt for your vacuum in order for it to work properly. If you are having trouble locating the belt needed for your Dirt Devil, please feel free to call us at 1-866-927-4327.